Oct 13, 2022Liked by Some Guy

LOL. Brain dump. No order.

1. A penis that flails around like a used car lot wind sock thingy never fails to amuse. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2c2Im1Ph9Lo

2. Werewolf - Couldn’t finish wiki article on omni thingy. Had a young intact male dog and older spayed female. At night male skittered down hall and desperately snuffled under door crack whining for female. He slept in a crate so he wouldn’t drive her insane with incessant humping. He spent a lot of time licking his male bits.

3. Architectural? Folios for Shakespeare, scrolls for Socrates, big clay tub for Diogenes? Giant dildo house for multi dimensional ”Flavio” the romance novel hero? He has to keep renovating house according to the texture euphemism of the day.

4. Stephenson’s Anathema had genetically engineered page trees - leaves are collected to use as archival paper. A non GMO dryad as an anarcho marxist. I’m trying too hard.

5. Little libraries - hilarious to print & donate this story into little libraries, waiting rooms, book drives.

Go to sleep. Thank you as always.

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1. Ha!

2. Yeah I read parts of it and noped out. I don’t think it will fit thematically. Harvey is about as far as I’m willing to go.

3. Good ideas! Going to see how I can use them and what general YA common architecture is out there.

4. I read that one! Maybe. Although (SPOILER)

At the end one of the things they all realize is you kind of have to look at people as people and not as this smushed up play dough amalgamation of a bunch of other people who think like they do so it will start with everyone as a cartoon and then you understand why they feel the way that they do

5. There’s one in my neighborhood but I can’t taint where I live with my own work.

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Oct 15, 2022Liked by Some Guy

Is YA Romance author Colleen Hoover? I now know #BookTok exists and *hurk* I don’t feel well.


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She’s not YA but she is romance and her stuff is definitely entertaining even if it didn’t leave me with a new understanding of the universe.

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